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The Cattle Section in Tinahely Show continues to grow each year. The show has over 70 cattle classes catering for Friesians, Aubrac, Aberdeen Angus, Herefords, Shorthorns, Simmentals, Limousines, Charolais, Parthanaise, Belgian Blues, and of course Commercial cattle.

Numerous cups and trophies are awarded, plus a number of special awards. Qualifying events are of great importance to the exhibitor and we are delighted to be hosting some qualifying classes. All cattle classes achieved an excellent standard and exhibitors are travelling from every county to compete for excellent prize money and the honour of winning a Tinahely rosette.

The assistance of the various breed societies is of major importance in this section and their input through sponsorship, ensures that all competitions are very competitive. Eight showing rings will accommodate the vast entry expected in all breeds. Happily for Tinahely, this section runs very smoothly because of the efficient stewarding and exhibitors always have a smile on their faces at the end of a long day.


The Holstein Friesian

The Holstein Friesian section has long been recognised as one of the best in the country. An array of Cups and Trophies plus excellent prize money makes for very competitive classes in this section.

Belgian Blue

A major highlight in the cattle section will be hosting of the Belgian Blue Crossbred Finals and the Irish Pedigree Belgian Blue Calf Championship attracts entries from all over the country. Tinahely Show is honoured to host these finals and thank F.B.D. for combining with them in sponsoring these finals.

The council of the Belgian Blue society see it as necessary to weigh all pedigree calves at the all Ireland . This measure is taken as a step to introduce a level playing field for all exhibitors and it is expected to increase interest in the competition. Also it is a pre requisite that all pedigree calves are registered in the society herd book .

The Commercial Cattle Section

The Commercial Cattle Section has developed tremendously in the last few years. Excellent prize money will encourage breeders to enter for top awards.

A major attraction is the DEREK ROTHWELL MEMORIAL YOUNG STOCKPERSON OF THE YEAR COMPETITION. The late Derek Rothwell advocated the need to involve young people in all aspects of Agricultural Shows. In his memory and fulfilling his wishes Tinahely Show are proud to introduce this championship for the benefit of all young exhibitors. Derek Rothwell was a former Chairman and President of Tinahely Show.

The Cattle rings are spectacular to look at and the stewards have arranged this area in such a way as to allow good viewing for all interested spectators.